Kanwal Aftab went to Vivo S1 launch and interrogate Vivo productive manager Mr. Waseem Akram about latest S-series of Vivo. 'S' series is the latest of all Vivo phone models in Pakistan. 'S' symbolize style i.e 'S' series of Vivo belongs to stylish phones in terms of look and features including in-display fingerprint. Amazing specifications of Full HD display resolution with 6.38 super simulates screen, 4 GB RAM, 32 MP front cam or selfie cam, 12 MP primary camera or back cam, fast battery charging of 4500 mAh are part of this mobile. Price in the Pakistan market is approx PKR 49,999 or $ 373. in cosmic green and skyline blue, green and black color is available in the market. Let's find more details.